Indian Engineering services examination is the most reputed Examination for Engineers organised by UPSC. ESE has very wide syllabus compared to any other Engineering examination in india. Effective study is much important for cracking examination.if students do constantly Preparation with effective and good books. then they will surely success in ESE.
Here We are Sharing some Good Books and their buy links. these books contain full syllabus of Engineering Services Examination for Mechanical Engineering.
Pattern of Engineering Services Examination (IES)
The pattern of IES is Consists of Five Paper and One Personal Interview. Below is the Details.
Paper First- General Ability
This is most important Paper. This Paper Consists of General English and General Studies of Indian Polity, History,Geography, Life Science, Information about India and World Relation.
If you really want to crack ESE then you must Prepare for this Paper and 80 Marks Out of 200 Can be good Marks. but remember You will have to be more prepare for your Engineering Portion
General Ability Consists of
English Grammar- You can prepare your English Portion from "High School English Grammar By Wren and Martin " This is most successful book for English book consists great exercise for English learning.
Synonyms and Antonyms Portion Download The Ebook From Here
This PDF Consists almost all Word which were asked in most competitive Exam like NDA/SCRA/GRE/IFS/ESE
For General Studies Portion Students Can Read Any book which consists Whole Polity, Geography, Life science, Economy, Science and Technology, India and World Relationship etc.
Books for Engineering Portion -
Objective Paper-1 and Convectional Paper-1
These Paper Covers the Fluid Mechanics, Thermodynamics, Steam Turbine and Compressors, Hydraulic Turbine, Compressible Flow, I C Engine, Heat and Mass Transfer and Refrigeration and Air Conditioning and Almost all portion of Thermal Fluid and Power Plant Engineering.
For time saving Study it is better to go through Indian Author Book Instead of Reading Most Standard book. Do not Try to read One Topics from Different book. it is better to read single Best Book for Single Topics. Here is Best book for Paper-1 and Convectional Paper-1
Introduction of Fluid Mechanics By Som, Vishwas and SK Choudhary
Hydraulic Turbine by Jagdish Lal
Steam Turbine and Compressors, and Fans by S M Yahya
Thermodynamics Also consists of Compressible Flow by P K Nag
Refrigeration and Air Conditioning By C P Arora
Heat and Mass Transfer by Cengel or P K Nag
Power Plant Engineering by P K Nag
Internal Combustion Engine by Sharma and M L Mathur
Engineering Portion-2
Objective Paper -2 and Convectional Paper-2
This Portion of Engineering Consists Strength of Materials,Machine Design, Theory of Machines, Production Engineering, Industrial Engineering , Materials Science and Knowledge of Computer language such as C and Fortran etc.
Strength of Materials by R K Rajput / B C Punamia
Theory of Machines by SS Rattan
Machine Design by V B Bhandari
Production Engineering by P C Sharma
Industrial Engineering and Production Management by Banga TR and Operations Research by Kanti Swaroop
Materials Science by I P Singh
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