Strength of materials is a basic engineering subject that, along with statics, must be understood by anyone concerned with the strength and physical performance of structures, whether those structures are man-made or natural. At the college level, mechanics of materials is usually taught during the sophomore and junior years. The subject is required for most students majoring in mechanical, structural, civil, biomedical, petroleum, aeronautical, and aerospace engineering.
Strength of Materials by R K bansal Laxmi Pub. most popular book and this book is both student as well as teacher friendly. the content of this book is lucid and easy to understand. it contain lots of Numerical Problems both solved and unsolved. so reader can take the maximium advantage and can build strong command in Engineering mechanics as well as Strength of Materials. the author of this book is very popular in almost all field of engineering and he wrote many books in mechanical field
About The Author : R K Bansal is indian author and professer and head of Mechanical engineering in University of delhi (Delhi Technological University). he is gems of Mechanical Engineering. he wrote many books on Fluid Mechanics, Thermal Enginnering, Manufacturing Science Theory of Machines i.e. almost all subject of ME,
Table OF Content :
1. Simple Stress and Strain
2. Elastic constant
3. Principle Stress and Strain
4. Elastic strain Energy and impact loading
5. Centre of Gravity and Moment of Inertia
6. Shear force and Bending Moment
7. Bending Stress in Beams
8. Shear stress in beams
9. Direct and Bending Stress
10. Dams and Retaining Walls
11. Analysis of Frame Structure
12. Deflection of Beams
13. Deflection in cantilevers
14.Conjugate Beam Method and Propped cantilevers
15. Fixed and continuous beams
16. Torsion of shafts and springs
17. Thin cylinders and sphere
18. Thick cylinders and Sphere
19. column and struts
20. Riveted joints
21. welded joints
22. Rotating disks and Cylinders
23. Bending of Curved bars
24. Theory of failure
Objective Multiple Choice Questions of IES/IAS/GATE
Strength of Materials by R K bansal Laxmi Pub. most popular book and this book is both student as well as teacher friendly. the content of this book is lucid and easy to understand. it contain lots of Numerical Problems both solved and unsolved. so reader can take the maximium advantage and can build strong command in Engineering mechanics as well as Strength of Materials. the author of this book is very popular in almost all field of engineering and he wrote many books in mechanical field
About The Author : R K Bansal is indian author and professer and head of Mechanical engineering in University of delhi (Delhi Technological University). he is gems of Mechanical Engineering. he wrote many books on Fluid Mechanics, Thermal Enginnering, Manufacturing Science Theory of Machines i.e. almost all subject of ME,
Table OF Content :
1. Simple Stress and Strain
2. Elastic constant
3. Principle Stress and Strain
4. Elastic strain Energy and impact loading
5. Centre of Gravity and Moment of Inertia
6. Shear force and Bending Moment
7. Bending Stress in Beams
8. Shear stress in beams
9. Direct and Bending Stress

11. Analysis of Frame Structure
12. Deflection of Beams
13. Deflection in cantilevers
14.Conjugate Beam Method and Propped cantilevers
15. Fixed and continuous beams
16. Torsion of shafts and springs
17. Thin cylinders and sphere
18. Thick cylinders and Sphere
19. column and struts
20. Riveted joints
21. welded joints
22. Rotating disks and Cylinders
23. Bending of Curved bars
24. Theory of failure
Objective Multiple Choice Questions of IES/IAS/GATE
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